what we do

Practice Areas

helping you in court


We represent general education Students in obtaining a 504 in order to receive accommodations in the general education setting or attempting to obtain an IEP.  We represent student-athletes in getting accommodations in extra-curricular sports.  We handle bullying and harassment cases.  Finally, we represent general education students in suspension and expulsion proceedings. 

We handle special education cases for children beginning at preschool.  These children are typically transferring from the Regional Center to a preschool within the School District.  We handle all special education issues, including, but not limited to:  Child-Find, Assessments and Individual Educational Evaluations, Behavioral issues, Moderate to Severe Disabilities, Compensatory Education and transition services that begin at age 16 to prepare special-needs students to live independently after graduation. 

Ms. Porter has been successful in obtaining specialized non-public school placements, including residential treatment for clients.  Our attorneys attend IEP meetings to ensure that your procedural and substantive rights are protected. 

We also defense special education students in expulsion proceedings.  The IDEA has an attorney fee provision if you prevail, but it does not reimburse for attorney’s for  attending an Individualized Education Plan (“IEP”) meeting, unless it has been ordered by a judge. 

However, getting your issues resolved through an IEP is far less expensive than a due process proceeding. 

We represent  private school students in obtaining a 504 plan, bullying and harassment.  We also defend private school students in expulsion proceedings. 

When your children are happy, your family is happy

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